return json; Free shipping for many products! ICC-ES & IRL coordinates on testing requirements and project scope. endstream endobj 94 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(m@\nT|w/ /p%XJumR)/P -1340/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(. ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2935 . acf.add_filter('validation_complete', function( json, form ) { 2. REPORT HOLDER: HEADED REINFORCEMENT CORPORATION . IRL conducts required tests and submits data to ICC-ES for evaluation. 0000163265 00000 n FCS CONSTRUCTION INC LENTON TERMINATOR. The couplers are machined to have taper threads at both ends, creating a mechanical butt splice of two sections of reinforcing steel. 0000153729 00000 n ACI 359; AREA; ASME, BOCA, CABO. Section: 03 21 00Reinforcement Bars . 0000001804 00000 n FCS Construction Inc LENTON Terminator. 0000008254 00000 n fjirbnjtlr nlephybd` wbtg ^ontbld >.>. 0000136065 00000 n 0000021058 00000 n 9: lf JNB >:7-:: (js roqubrom iy 9;:9 BIN ^ontbld :2;?. There was media criticism of the new ICC rules requiring umpires to stop play when failing light was . 0000147429 00000 n ICC-ES ESR-2495 Bar-Lock Coupler Systems for Splicing Reinforcement Bars. Leviat has released an enhanced version of its popular Ancon Shearfix design software that enables engineers to maintain a flat concrete slab at column heads by reinforcing the area against punching shear with a prefabricated, stud-rail system. 2. Pgoro nldfhbnts lnnur, tgo elro rostrbntbvo sgjhh `lvord. shyamvs2002. 0000144861 00000 n ?.0 jdm :7.9.0 (JNB >:7-:: ^ontblds :9.:=.> jdm 9:. ICC-ES is widely recognized for its thorough technical evaluations, speed and gold standard in customer service. ICC-ES Reports verify that new and innovative building products comply with code requirements. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION 7.1 Each carton of couplers, coupler devices and positional studs is labeled with the name and address of Barsplice Products, Inc., product name and size, heat number, and the evaluation report number (ICC-ES ESR 2299). REPORT HOLDER: HEADED REINFORCEMENT CORPORATION . Code Officials look for the ICC-ES Mark on building and plumbing products for peace of mind when approving products. An ICC-ES Report is a document that presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from a particular evaluation. J, mosnrbptbld lf tgo eotglm lf propjrbd` tgo roijr, Flr ]ypo 9 sphbnos, nlddontblds lf ojng stooh, robdflrnbd` ijr usbd` tgo fjirbnjtlr-propjrom stooh, robdflrnbd` ijrs, tostom bd stjtbn todsbld, sgjhh, movohlp :;; pornodt lf tgo sponbfbom todsbho. LENTON couplers are superior to other current methods of splicing in withstanding seismic, man-made blasts and other natural events by providing reinforcing splices for rebar. 0000138991 00000 n Our experienced. p+pm~=N*4y\wb?I^H.U%x->h((C^}TPe~o0A&L Each CRTR provides a 0000009971 00000 n OPSS 1442 - Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel Bars for Concrete. Use of lap splicing may exceed the concrete to steel ratio of many international standards. 0000138457 00000 n 0000151022 00000 n Fy Service Type1 rebar coupler specification is code. 0000149724 00000 n #>fR;9m~!4NO [2. An ICC-ES Report is a document that presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from a particular evaluation. In stock and ready to ship. 21 Hc`-m%>@ BIN ^ontbld :0;=.9.?. Flr ]ypo : sphbnos, nlddontblds lf ojng stooh, robdflrnbd` ijr usbd` fjirbnjtlr-propjrom stooh, movohlp jt hojst :9? jnnlrmjdno wbtg 9;:7 jdm 9;:? A = diameter B = length of coupler bar D = bar engagement LENTON TERMINATOR ERICO DOCUCU ARCHIVE COM. Specified as 175% fy, Xtender Splice will ensure available ductility from the rebar whenever it will be needed. One end of the coupler is machined to have LENTON standard internal taper threads. K!fEZ _k~+$/lv8{N`x-s"Dq f{]Ee9DD>1cBMO0 !1-|]eMh:Rx7oaz]b:=Htx-Kon`zkBVan&eLL3/jJPmF=\a;Xl\\Usk'I\hQww(_2sOvN.F n:qYFXd form.submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); submitACF_AJAX(this); return false;}); LENTON Standard Couplers..10 LENTON Transition Couplers..11 Design-Friendly Reduces rebar congestion and improves concrete consolidation Improves steel-toconcrete ratio Eliminates lap splices in high stress regions Allows greater flexibility in design optionsLENTON Position Couplers.12-14 LENTON Bolt Couplers.14 As long as a product has an ICC-ES Evaluation Report, well accept it. 0000152943 00000 n trailer << /Size 95 /Info 51 0 R /Encrypt 55 0 R /Root 54 0 R /Prev 187314 /ID[<45ef54bbdd810389c370e179a612d966>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 54 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 50 0 R /Metadata 52 0 R /PageLabels 49 0 R >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Filter /Standard /R 2 /O (wHM2#4#k) /U (C@M>N/-{acopFA) /P -60 /V 1 /Length 40 >> endobj 93 0 obj << /S 133 /L 263 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 94 0 R >> stream window.location.reload(); N>C) flr J^]E J6:? 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nVent LENTON Taper-Threaded Splicing Systems, nVent LENTON Form Saver and Other Reinforcing Bar Assemblies, Taper-Threaded Splicing System Accessories, Mechanical Anchors Including nVent LENTON Terminator, nVent LENTON Terminator Mechanical Anchors, nVent LENTON Terminator Mechanical Anchor for Future Extension, nVent LENTON Form Saver with Large Anchor, D6SA, D6 Mechanical Anchor with Male Bar, One Piece, nVent LENTON Ultimate Splicing Systems and Mechanical Anchors, nVent LENTON Interlok Grout-Filled Precast Splicing System, nVent LENTON Interlok Grout-Fill Couplers, nVent LENTON Quick Wedge Mechanical Lap Splicing System, nVent LENTON Quick Wedge Couplers and Pins, nVent LENTON Quick Wedge Installation Equipment, nVent LENTON Speed Sleeve Compression-Only Splices, nVent LENTON Speed Sleeve Transition Adaptor, nVent LENTON Speed Sleeve Installation Ratchet, nVent LENTON Cadweld Metal-Filled Splicing System, Splice Kits, Filler Material Kits and Components, Installation Equipment Kits and Components, nVent LENTON Connect Shear Bolt Splicing System, nVent LENTON Connect S2 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Plain, nVent LENTON Connect S2 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Epoxy, nVent LENTON Connect B12 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Plain, nVent LENTON Connect B12 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Epoxy. 0000140641 00000 n contentType: false 0000027637 00000 n 0000139437 00000 n 6h Weld Studs. 0000014168 00000 n Williams 1" through 1-3/8" 150 KSI bars are smooth, hot rolled, high strength prestressing steel. hbbd```b``A$CdZ"Yjl7d7 0000149833 00000 n 0000139756 00000 n 0000003500 00000 n 0000003397 00000 n of coupler, and placement of reinforcing bar splices, as well as assembly of the coupler component. rebar coupler specification is codenike giannis uno shoes near slough. Mark Crumpton Bloomberg, Features Connects reinforcing bar to structural steel sections or plates Unique self . ESR-2147: ICC-ES: . EVALUATION SUBJECT: UBC 1997; U.S.Army Corpr of Engineers. In. Products having an ICCES evaluation reports with supplemental approval of Los Angeles Building Code requirements can be found at the ICC-ES LA Reports Directory. The unique taper threads provide a self aligning, positive lock system that is quickly engaged with only 4-1/2 turns. Prior preparation of the rebar is done thanks to a highly productive Dextra equipment or directly by sourcing prepared rebar from one of our distributors. ICC-ES Reports Directory. 0000142573 00000 n 0000006504 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % 0000008012 00000 n coupler, lenton mechanical splices from erico are a taper threaded splicing . ICC-ES ER-3967 report please visit For a copy of the ICC-ES ER-3967 report, please visit
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